This Editor wants to provide a free, easy and comfortable writing experience.
Therefore we chose Perl, Scintilla and wxPerl, our binding to wxWidgets, to realize it.
Our goal is to make this software crossplatform, nonintrusive and interoperable.
To ensure a free reuse of the sources the Editor is released under GPL.
  maintained: 0.4 pl 5
       testing: 0.4.3
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Kephra - Roadmap
Roadmap Of Stable Releases
This is the history and schedule of the stable releases. If you want to know more about our plans read our thoughts.
Scheduled Testing Releases
These are the milestones up to our next stable release. We call them testing releases.
Our Planned Way To Go
The 0.4.n series is mainly about Perl developing tools. Thats what I need, because I have become a Perl programmer long time ago and furthermore I like the Perl community and want to become Kephra their IDE.

In the first stage (during fist two testing releases) I want to solve the installation problems of the CPAN module Kephra. A Debian package can than be build. The test suite and developer documentation will also be enhanced.

The larger task will be to add the tools (we already began with the output panel) like Perl tidy integration, auto completion, folding, vi like command line and a snippet library that not only can hold strings for insertion, but can perform every command on the selected text, even external filter programs.

And there are parts like the syntax modes, config dialog and panel based status bar which where planed for 0.4 but should be delivered before 0.5.

© 2012 Kephra Project