This Editor wants to provide a free, easy and comfortable writing experience.
Therefore we chose Perl, Scintilla and wxPerl, our binding to wxWidgets, to realize it.
Our goal is to make this software crossplatform, nonintrusive and interoperable.
To ensure a free reuse of the sources the Editor is released under GPL.
  maintained: 0.4 pl 5
       testing: 0.4.3
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our open source license
Kephra - Manuals
We do mirror in our webspace some essential manuals to make our work easier. This page contains links to these manuals. External manuals you can find at the resources page. More wxPerl related help we have on our site.

Scintilla - The Core Of The App
The Pyframe documentation is the most important manual for WxPerl based Scintilla programming. Sometimes it is not complete or up to date. In these cases it can help to take a look at the original Scintilla Documentation or even Otto Wyss wxScintilla Doku.

WxWidgets - Our Framework
Our Mirror of the official WxWidgets 2.6.1 and OGL 3.0 Documentation. It is written for C++ and Python Coder, but also very useful for Perl Coder. Mostly every exception for wxPerl ist noted.

Perl - Our Native Language
A perfect manual for german Perl starter wrote Eike Grote. We have the old and the new. Another good Tutorial was written by Joachim Braun. He wrote it in german too and discussed also some enhanced chapters more like CGI and OOP.

© 2012 Kephra Project