This Editor wants to provide a free, easy and comfortable writing experience.
Therefore we chose Perl, Scintilla and wxPerl, our binding to wxWidgets, to realize it.
Our goal is to make this software crossplatform, nonintrusive and interoperable.
To ensure a free reuse of the sources the Editor is released under GPL.
  maintained: 0.4 pl 5
       testing: 0.4.3
our page
our SourceForge page
our open source license
Kephra - Kommunication
In general we are very pleased to communicate with other people. This page simply tells you how things are organized here, so you can reach us in a gentle and effective way.

We consider a forum to be the most free and important form of communication for us and our users because it brings together people who come to this place to ask questions and people who are eager to answer them. Both write when they want, they help each other and it quickly shows which answer fits the specific problem best. No question will be deleted like an old mail and the answers remain here to help the people who come later. Our SourceForge project forum ain't much filled yet, because we are at a very early stage, but don't be afraid to be one of the first. The only condition we set is: it has to be written in english or another language we can understand. If you speak german like the developers we recommend to use our digital home: the board of the german perl community. Just visit the "Projektforen > Projekte" forum at to find the PCE related discussion.

Every specific contribution like suggestions, bugreports, patches, etc. we want to manage with the SourceForge Tracker.

Yes, sometimes it is necessary to write a mail directly to the chief:
All questions about graphics and webdesign belongs to:

We installed once at SourceForge a kephra mailing list too, but the list is actually not used. If you want to use it, your messages will arrive.

Instant Messenger
Our team members use often ICQ, Skype or sometimes even telephone to discuss our plans. When you get more involved into our work you can easily get the number you want from the person directly.

Outer Life In The Internet
Yes we have a life outside of this project. If you want to meet us in computual reality, there are good chances at this following locations:

© 2012 Kephra Project